Terms & Conditions for Lyman Orchards' CSA

By purchasing a share in the Lyman Orchard’s 2025 CSA program, I now become a member of the Lyman Orchard’s CSA program for the 2025 growing season.

As a CSA Member, I understand there are inherent risks of agriculture (poor weather, drought, disease, early frost, crop failure and so on) and great rewards such as a bountiful harvest. As a partner with Lyman Orchards and its partner, Fair Weather Acres, I support the farm by sharing in the risks and the rewards. While Lyman Orchards will act in good faith to provide a fresh, in-season, bountiful share for your chosen plan, there is no guarantee of quantities or contents of weekly shares.

As a CSA Member, I agree to the share size and pick-up date and time that I have selected. I also agree to appoint another person to pick-up my share on my scheduled day if I am unable to, or to notify the farm in advance when needing to change my pick-up day for a particular week. I acknowledge that failure to pick-up my share or failure in notifying Lyman Orchards about alternate pick-up arrangements will result in my share being donated to the local food pantry after 12 noon the following day. There is no refund for unclaimed shares. 

As a CSA Member, I understand and accept that my membership to the Lyman Orchards is non-refundable at any time.

Please contact our CSA@lymanorchards.com or Click here for CSA FAQs with any questions.